
Help Your Children Eat Healthier

On top of all of the things parents are responsible for, their number one concern always involves the health of their child. You book the doctor’s appointment, pay for the medication or accept payments online, and feel tempted to call an ambulance at the mere sound of a cough. 

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Doing monthly checkups is great, but did you know that experts found eating a nutritious diet “is one of the most effective things people can do to keep cancer at bay”? 

This means that the health of your loved ones starts in the kitchen, where the magic happens. 

With so many restaurants, fast food chains, and a diversity of meals, it’s difficult to classify between the unhealthy and healthy. So, read ahead. Learn about how healthy food, developing better habits, and acknowledging the time this process can take. ,

Healthy, Not Boring

What comes to mind when you hear “healthy food”? Take a minute, think about it. 

When most people think of healthy foods, they picture a bland salad void of spice, flavour, or texture. 

Erase that from your head and do a deep online search of meals that will keep your kids full, healthy, and nourished to complete their activities. 

Picture by Trang Doan on Pexels

Go-to Breakfasts

Easy-to-make breakfasts that are both delicious and nutritious. Follow along these simple recipes to ease your children into a new lifestyle that will serve them well. 

Summer Refresh Oatmeal 

Picture by Thiea Alhoz on Pexels


  • ½ cup oatmeal

  • ¾ cup plant-based milk (oat, almond, cashew, soy, etc.)

  • Mango chunks 

  • ¼ cup strawberries

  • ¼ cup blueberries

  • 1 tablespoon maple syrup

Prepare: Heat milk or water and once its warm add the oatmeal. Stir occasionally for two minutes and wait for until the oatmeal is cooked. Pour the oatmeal in a bowl and top it off with the rest of the ingredients. 

Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie

Picture by Engin Akyurt on Pexels 


  • 1 teaspoon peanut butter

  • 1 banana frozen

  • 2 teaspoons cinnamon

  • 1 cup plant-based milk (oat, almond, cashew, soy, etc.)

  • 1 teaspoon chia seeds

  • 1 cup iced cubes

Prepare: This is recipe is perfect for those mornings you are running late to work or when you feel like cooking might be a chore. Add all of the ingredients in a blender and blend until you have a creamy consistency. 

Yogurt Breakfast Bowl

Picture by Alexander Mils on Pexels


  • ½ cup peaches sliced

  • 1 cup greek yogurt 

  • ½ cup pineapple chunks

  • ½ cup kiwi sliced

  • ½ cup granola sliced

  • ¼ cup almonds or walnuts

Prepare: Another wonderful way to start your day. In a bowl add all of the ingredients and for an extra bit of sweetness, include honey or maple syrup. 

Routines Can Be Life Savers

As a parent, hectic schedules are not unnatural. You wake up at 4 am, or 7 am, go to sleep early or doze off as soon as you see the sunrise. In spite of the inconsistencies, find time frames in your day where you can have at least five to thirty minutes a day to prepare your meals. 

Picture by PNW Production on Pexels

Have your children stick to an eating schedule; times during the day where they are less busier. 

A few examples:

Schedule #1 Schedule #2 Schedule #3

8 am Breakfast 7 am Breakfast 6 am Snack

12 pm Lunch 12 pm Lunch 9 am Breakfast

7 pm Dinner 4 pm Snack 12 pm Snack

8 pm Dinner 2 pm Lunch

8 pm Dinner

After figuring out the logistics of everyone’s schedules, have at least one meal where you can sit down with your children and talk about what’s new. 

When you finally develop a rhythm with your routine, there will be meals you might prefer to prepare in bulk or have daily. Preparing the same meals doesn’t make you a bad parent. Repeating certain meals might be what works for your family, if so keep up with the routine. 

A Note On Health

Physical health may be one of your priorities, but also factor in your mental health. Don’t obsess with restriction. Limiting food groups from your children’s diet may result in eating disorders and an unhealthy relationship with food.

Be wary of the message you send to your kids. Enjoy fries, burgers, pizza, and pastries, but everything with measure. Eat your favorite holiday meals and say yes to a birthday cake. Approaching a healthier diet doesn’t mean you must abandon fast food restaurants, rather you must balance how much you eat from certain food groups to maintain you health.

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