How To Relax In A Busy House
When life, work, and kids are eating up all your free time, you just want to get away for a while and recharge your batteries. But it’s not always as simple as packing a bag and booking yourself on a spa retreat for a weekend. Who has the time and money most of the time to even book an appointment at the nail salon down the street?
Fortunately, there are ways you can set aside some time for yourself so you can be at your best when the next crisis comes along.
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Do yoga
Who said exercise couldn’t be relaxing? One of the best things about yoga is that it encourages you to focus on your breathing, your inner self, and on cultivating a sense of calm and serenity. Even when you have a To Do list a mile long, yoga teaches you to focus on the moment, and on recharging your energy. As an added bonus, yoga also does great things for your body. You get toned, you give your spine a much-needed stretch, and with a little time most of your aches and pains will vanish.
Set aside some time in the morning or early evening, whichever works for you, and focus on nothing but yourself and your breathing. You’ll be surprised at what a difference it makes to designate part of your day solely to your own well-being.
You don’t even need to go to a gym to enjoy the benefits of a yoga workout. There are a number of yoga instructors with free YouTube channels for you to try in the comfort of your living room.
Take a long soak
Even if you don’t have one of those luxurious bathroom suites, you can have a serious pamper session in the tub. In the bathroom, you can have all the fixings for a full body treatment. Hair masks, facial, bubble bath, and aromatherapy candles. No one can disturb you while you’re locked away in this bathroom sanctuary. Put on some relaxing music or nature sounds, and just close your eyes for a few minutes. You will feel clean, refreshed and renewed. If you do this at night, you can try putting a couple of drops of lavender oil into your bath, so you will fall right to sleep after you climb out of the tub.
When the weather gets warmer, you could even soak outside in your own hot tub. A hot tub could be more beneficial for relaxation than a bubble bath, because the water jets gently massage your aching body for as long as you need. If you don’t own a hot tub, and you’re not sure you want to buy one, ask around for Hot Tub Advice. You can find out if there is anything within your budget and if it’s worth investing in one before the summer is over.
Sit in the garden
Nothing is quite as relaxing as nature. The sun is out, the birds are singing, and the flowers are in bloom. Nature is the perfect backdrop for a relaxing meditation session, or just to sit outside and breathe deeply. You can sit on a blanket and read while the kids play on the grass. If the sun is hot, just close your eyes for a few minutes and sunbathe. The garden has a lot of potential for relaxing, even if you’re still keeping an eye on things. If you only have a set amount of time, why not stick something in the oven and make a note not to do anything else until the timer goes off.
Leave your favourite errands for last
It can seem a bit strange to have a favourite errand, but think about it. Haven’t you felt a little more relaxed after taking your time doing the dishes? Does the method and structure of cooking for your family appeal to you? Do you secretly enjoy folding fresh laundry because the smell calms you down after a stressful day?
There’s no shame in that. In fact, it may make an evening feel less hectic if you leave yourself something to look forward to at the end. Leave the kids to their homework, while you tackle whatever errand it is that soothes your soul after a long day. It may give you just a little extra boost of energy to get through the end of the day.
Take long walks
This is a useful activity if you have a dog, or you’re just trying to get the whole family to do more exercise. Walking is good for your body, because it tones legs, bums, and tums, strengthens your heart, and lowers the risk of disease.
But the benefits of walking on your mind aren’t usually discussed in as much detail. Walking long distances teaches you patience. You breathe deeper when you’re walking and surrounded by fresh air, which improves the blood flow in your body and relaxes your mind. Conquering a particularly difficult hill can teach you that adversity can be overcome. Getting out and about with nature can reduce your stress and let you enjoy the moment.
As an added bonus, your kids are usually worn out after a long walk so they’ll be quiet for at least an hour while they get their energy back.
Perfect your bedtime routine
If you find it difficult to relax enough to fall asleep, then you’re already off to a bad start for the next day. Spend a weekend sorting out your bedroom to make sure it’s the perfect sanctuary for sleep. Get some blackout curtains to make your bedroom dark. Install a ceiling fan so it’s the optimum temperature. Put in thick rugs and plush cushions to muffle any sounds that keep you awake. Get rid of your noisy alarm with flashing lights, and instead use a Progression Clock to gently wake you up every morning. Make sure your bedroom is clean, so there is no clutter to distract and distress you. Finally, switch off your devices, and just close your eyes.