Unique Eco-Friendly Wooden Furniture For Everyday Living

Home & garden, DIY & Tips
This post is an advertisement for GloDea Tired of Basic Furniture? Stand Out or Sit Down with GloDea®! Don’t Be Basic Have you ever been over to a neighbor or friend’s house and say, “Wow!!, I have that same coffee table!”? These days, when most individuals go furniture shopping, they tend...

The Small Considerations That Affect Your Sleep Quality

Lifestyle, Home & garden, DIY & Tips
Pexels(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});We all make many decisions during the course of our day. Decisions around scheduling our time, the diet we consume, and hopefully the degree to which we dictate our work/life balance. There are also many other things we take care of without really knowing it. Some...

5 Expensive Home Electrical Problems and How to Avoid Them

Home & garden, DIY & Tips
The electrical wiring in your home is not something you want to mess with on your own or ignore. For those who have no experience with electricity other than flipping a switch, the right time to call professionals is when you determine you have an issue. If that issue is...

How Ketogenic Diet is Helpful for Weight Loss

DIY & Tips, Lifestyle
When the body is deprived of carbohydrates, a certain process occurs. First of all, the body uses up its stored carbohydrates which is called glycogen. It is stored in the liver and in the muscles for emergency use. It is also why you have to replete carbohydrates after major workouts....

Top 5 Foods to Boost Your Energy

Low energy can be a result of poor sleep or rest, but it can also be due to poor feeding habits. The food that you eat has a direct effect on your energy levels. Food is the fuel of the body. When we feed well, we fuel our bodies properly...

Beginners Guide To Real Estate Investment

Lifestyle, DIY & Tips
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Investment is defined as, "the action or process of investing money for profit". This concept within the realm of real estate can be explained by individuals investing money into a property, speculating its increase in value, and then selling it for a profit. Real estate...

"Smoothie On A Stick" Company Gives Back to Nonprofits That Support Addiction Recovery

This post is an advertisement for Jonny Pops. I have worked with Jonny Pops over the years. I absolutely love their story and mission.  JonnyPops was founded by four college students in 2011. In honor of one of the original creators, Jonathan, who passed away from a struggle with addiction, the team...

"I Should Buy a Yacht" - How to Follow Through With Your Post-Retirement Dreams

Lifestyle, Travel
Retirement can be a bittersweet time for many of us.  Long dreamed of, by the time it arrives we hopefully have planned it so we can indulge all those fantasies we cherished for so long.     The complete change in lifestyle from a routine of work and a regular income...

Health and Wellness Abroad Could Be Easier Thank You Think

Lifestyle, Travel
If you are planning on shifting abroad, or if you are planning on traveling, health & wellness can become a serious issue for you. Adjusting to new places is always difficult, and maintaining your health in an unknown place is even more difficult. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Most of...

Biodiversity, Brazil And Core Power Coffee News For The Day

A lot of consumers wake up to a delicious cup of coffee first thing in the morning. Others pick up the newspaper or check the headlines online. It is rare to find coffee headlines, but this delicious drink has sparked up quite a bit of attention during the past few...

Avoid Dinner Party Disasters- Try These Easy Dishes!

DIY & Tips, Lifestyle
Getting friends over and enjoying some food, wine and great conversation is one of the greatest perks of adulthood. When you’ve hung up your clubbing shoes and life has moved on a little, dinner parties are a fantastic way to socialise instead.  Credit here A dinner party allows you to...

3 Home Repairs That Need To Be Done ASAP!

Home & garden, DIY & Tips
Do you have a load of repairs that need doing, but you just keep putting them off? Well, here are three home repairs you simply can’t afford to neglect, and that need to be sorted as soon as possible!  pxhere A Drippy Tap This is an issue I suffered recently,...

Foods To Soothe The Soul

DIY & Tips, Lifestyle
Image  Food is the most essential resource we have access to apart from water. It is what can ward of ailments, keep us happy and even help us to concentrate better in exams. Food comes in many forms and can do some pretty incredibly things for our body and soul...

Chicago STEM Program That Also Teaches Parents

Parenting, Lifestyle
Expanding Your Horizons (EYH) is a nationally recognized STEM education program which will be returning to Chicago for the sixth year in a row on March 24, 2018. EYH Chicago’s event is open to middle school girls. Girls attending EYH Chicago will participate in a day-long symposium of workshops that...

Nootropics - Comparison Between Modafinil, Armodafinil, and Adrafinil

Nootropic is a general term used for a class of naturally-occurring or man-made chemicals that provide cognitive gains to the human brain. Nootropics are often called smart drugs. Due to its functional benefits, they are becoming a very famous method of enhancing the cognitive functioning of the brain. According to...

How to Spatchcock Smoke Roasted Turkey: Step By Step

Holiday, DIY & Tips
It doesn’t have to be Thanksgiving time for you to enjoy the incredible taste of Turkey, and there is truly nothing like the flavor of this bird when it is Spatchcock smoke roasted. This style of cooking not only helps to give a flavor and taste that is beyond words,...

The Regal Revival - How to Turn a Small Apartment Into a Work of Art

Home & garden, Lifestyle, DIY & Tips
Small apartments are popular among people nowadays as a choice of living space not only for their cost, but also as a means of reducing one’s environmental impact. There are many pros and many cons to owning or living in a small apartment, but one of the stronger selling points...

4 Annoying Clothes Problems And How To Solve Them

Lifestyle, DIY & Tips
I truly believe that ‘parent’ should be a skill that you put down on your resume. Being a parent pretty much means you have to be good at all sorts of different things - especially multitasking. Every day brings problems of some kind that must be sorted.  With a big...

How to Get Gorgeous Skin by Eating an Herbal Diet

Lifestyle, DIY & Tips
Looking at the larger picture of skin care can take time, effort, and energy for you to be able to figure out and, as you work out the details of what it is that’s needed to be able to accomplish, you will notice that there are a lot of factors...

3 Ways to Get Back to Work After Having a Baby

Parenting, Lifestyle, DIY & Tips
Image Credit: Pixels (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({ google_ad_client: "ca-pub-7117833440777277", enable_page_level_ads: true }); For many moms-to-be figuring out what they will do once they have had their baby isn’t at the top of their priorities. Often, women like to stay at home for as long as possible with their newborns...